Town of Wilmington Planning Board and Code Enforcement
The Town of WIlmington has a Planning Board and a Code Enforcement Officer. The Planning Board provides broad oversight of planning and zoning in Wilmington. It reviews and makes decisions regarding applications for the development of properties that require conditional approval. The Code Enforcement Officer handles the day-to-day operations to ensure that WIlmington’s building code is properly enforced. This includes the initial review of applications for building permits and subdivision development, and onsite inspections before and after construction.
WIlmington’s Code Enforcement webpage is here. This webpage provides access to many documents related to planning and zoning in WIlmington.
During the Fall of 2024, the Town of WIlmington has been restarting a Zoning Board of Appeals.
Important documents
The primary document that guides development in WIlmington is Wilmington’s Zoning Code, linked here. Wilmington does not have a current comprehensive plan.
The Zoning Code has been amended twice to address Short-Term Rentals (STRs)
In September, 2021, the Zoning Code was amended to include a new section addressing STRs. The amendment, which includes (1) the requirements for obtaining a permit to operate an STR and (2) regulations and procedures for operating an STR can be downloaded from here.
In June, 2024, the Zoning Code was further amended to (1) establish a cap on the number of active STR permits at any point in time at 150 permits; and (2) redefine the duration of an STR permit as one year. This amendment can be downloaded here.
In July, 2024, these amendments were merged into a single document, which can be viewed here.